

Electronic Schedule II Drug Ordering (e222)

Electronic Schedule II Drug Ordering (e222)


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e222 Forms

Benefits to Enrolling in CSOS and e222:

  • Same day receipt of e222 form
  • Just in time inventory maintenance
  • Order and item availability on web
  • Easy online ordering
  • Paperless & eco-friendly
  • Increased order accuracy
  • Stored digital certificate
  • Postage-free
  • Compliant record management
  • Digital chain of custody
  • DEA license notification
  • Cradle-to-grave Secure Pharma

Single Sheet 222 Form Transition and e222 Opportunity

Please see this important message from the Henry Schein Verifications Team regarding the ordering of Schedule II controlled substances:

On October 30, 2019, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) amended its regulations to implement a new single sheet format for DEA Form 222, which is used by DEA registrants to purchase Schedule II controlled substances. The rule also provided for a twoyear transition period, during which the existing carbon copy triplicate 222 forms may continue to be used.

Effective October 30, 2021, the two-year transition period ends rendering all existing carbon copy triplicate 222 forms invalid. As a result, Henry Schein, Inc., and all other suppliers will no longer be authorized to accept the former obsolete triplicate 222 forms.

What do I need to know?

Only two methods of ordering Schedule II drugs will be authorized by DEA as of October 30, 2021, which includes the new Single Sheet 222 Form and CSOS (Controlled Substance Ordering System), the DEA's electronic method to purchase Schedule II controlled substances.

If you are still using carbon copy triplicate 222 Forms to purchase, now is a good time to request a supply of new Single Sheet 222 Forms from DEA so that you can continue to purchase Schedule II medications after October 30, 2021 without interruption.

When executing a Single Sheet 222 form, the purchaser must make a copy of the original DEA 222 form for its records and submit the original to Henry Schein. The copy you retain may be in paper or electronic form. Unlike the former triplicate 222 form, there are no carbon copies to retain.

For further information on the New Single Sheet 222 format, please visit here.

Is there a better way? YES! Transition to electronic Schedule II drug ordering with CSOS today!

If you aren't utilizing CSOS (the DEA's electronic ordering system for Schedule II controlled substances), now is the perfect time to review the benefits. Information regarding CSOS and Henry Schein, Inc. e222 program can be found by clicking here.

There are 2 ways to place a schedule II drug order:

1. If you are enrolled in e222 with Henry Schein:

*To enroll in e222 with Henry Schein Click here.

2. Place your order using DEA Form 222 and mail to:

Henry Schein, Inc.
5315 West 74th Street, Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46268

Need help? Using the website above, you can request a discussion with one of our subject matter experts (The Indy Verifications Team) to help you get started.

For More Information

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Additional e222 Resources

Guidance selecting the appropriate CSOS Application to submit:
Choosing The Appropriate DEA (CSOS) Application

Help Installing, exporting, and managing your CSOS digital security certificate:
CSOS Certificate Support Guide

Customers who have completed CSOS registration and the digital security certificate/e-mail test can enroll in e222 electronically:
Henry Schein e222 Enrollment Request Form

DEA answers for the most common CSOS-related questions:
CSOS Frequently Asked Questions