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It Is SAFe Now

It Is SAFe Now

Posted on 11-01-2010

It Is SAFe Now

As the Senior Editor of the first 9 editions of Pathways of the Pulp, I’ve had the almost unique opportunity to witness and participate in the advances made in endodontic therapy, e.g., introduction of the dental operating microscope, development of the biocompatible MTA, introduction of rotary files in the early ‘90s, etc. Each advance made in endodontics was not embraced quickly or easily because practitioners had to unlearn old skills and adopt new skills; this is understandable as a part of human nature. Once an advance became “mainstream” then it became the new and improved Standard of Endodontic Care.

So, here we are faced with a new advance once again — requiring us to unlearn what we have known up to now along with learning a new concept and new skills... Oh, my!

OK, so what is this new endodontic advance that I claim will provide a better quality of endodontic care? The SAF!

What is so wonderful about this SAF? The SAF (Self-Adjusting File) instrument will clean and shape a root canal simultaneously and dramatically better than any rotary file extant! Now THAT is a BIG claim! Everything I write next is backed up by hard science published in international peer-reviewed endodontic journals. Nothing you read below is anecdotal or just a “marketing” claim. Readers are invited to go onto the ENDOvations Web site to access all the published papers that support the following.

• Only one instrument is required to completely clean and shape the entire root canal system!

Yes, you read that right. One instrument. How is that possible you may wonder? The thin lattice of NiTi filaments (a hollow cylinder, i.e., no core), by virtue of centrifugal force, push out with equal pressure against ALL WALLS of the root canal system as the SAF instrument moves up-and-down almost 0.5mm, 5,000 times/minute and abrades away infected dentin. Of course, before you apply the SAF device, the dentist must establish the length of the root canal and hand file to a size #20, just like the clinician must do now. However, instead of having to use a series of rotary files next, as is the custom (about 6-8 rotary files), one SAF does it all. The SAF virtually eliminates the smear layer and it passively delivers NaOCl down to the apical third of the canal safely—this has never been done before! Thus, the SAF provides the highest level of canal disinfection unattainable with any rotary file.

• The SAF is virtually unbreakable!

That’s right—virtually unbreakable. Is there any clinician who provides endodontic therapy who has not broken a rotary file in a root canal(s)? I didn’t think so. Every clinician remembers how the heart sinks when a file “separates” in a canal. No more! Your clinical experience will verify this fact.