


Our Online Flyer Service (Nxtbook) might be intermittently unavailable due to a platform issue on their end. This does not impact Henry Schein’s systems or operations. Nxtbook is actively working on a resolution.
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Having access to the patient's chart and electronic medical record information anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, is essential for our growing surgical office.

Wendy Beard,
Indianapolis IN

The Market-Leading Practice Management Solution for Periodontists

Henry Schein PerioVision® is the only perio-specific practice and clinical software available to the dental market. It includes cutting-edge features such as electronic health record (EHR) integration, ePrescribe, and mobile. PerioVision practices leverage the world’s premiere dental technology network to speed daily tasks and focus on providing the best patient care in their communities.

PerioVision is for Periodontists Who Want

  • Their practice to grow to multiple locations and specialties while maintaining a central database
  • Achieve totally paperless operations
  • EHR integration

Click for more information about PerioVision or call 1-800-680-6902.