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The DENTRIX Difference — Digital Imaging
by Brian Peterson

"Behavoiral scientists have long informed us that as much as 75 percent of all human learning is visual. If patients cannot see the problem, they will be less inclined to accept the solution. Fortunately, the converse is also true — patients who are effectively educated and understand their treatment needs are far more likely to accept the treatment you recommend." (This quote was taken from the April 2003 Dental Economics article written by Dr. David Gane entitled "Imaging — Solid State Digital Radiography.")

Have you ever explained a procedure or recommended treatment using a patient's paper chart to create an explanation that visually depicts the story? And how did that work for you? (That's what I thought.) The good news is that you understand that most of what we are taught is accomplished by visual means. The bad news is that you are not taking advantage of tools that could significantly increase the potential for case acceptance.

PMTS offers the very best digital-imaging tools on the market with DENTRIX Image, Vipersoft, ImageRay/ViperRay digital X-ray systems, and ImageCam/ViperCam intraoral camera systems. These products enable a clinician to quickly and effectively educate a patient using images taken in real-time. It's like using a Polaroid instead of the traditional 35 mm camera. Instant gratification! Neither doctor nor patient has to wait to view X-rays. Instead, they are processed in 3 – 4 seconds. If the doctor notices a crack in the patient's tooth, an intraoral camera can be used to immediately show this to the patient and educate them about treatment.

Dr. Gane points out several benefits associated with digital images:

  • The easy-to-view, large format size of the digital-image files when they are displayed on a CRT or LCD monitor allows full-resolution viewing at a comfortable angle. This is conductive to a thorough and complete diagnosis.
  • Software tools can enhance dentists' diagnostic abilities, enabling them to easily "extract" certain features from the digital image with the click of a mouse.
  • Integration with a practice-management solution makes historical image comparisons easy and digital photos can be coordinated with other clinical information.
  • Displaying the images on a large monitor helps optimize communication. This type of visual communication increases education and trust, leading ultimately to the acceptance of treatment proposals.

There is no doubt that digital-imaging technologies help dentists save time, save money, make money, and increase their professional image. As Tony Gibson discussed in the first issue of "The DENTRIX Difference" entitled Integration, seamless integration with DENTRIX Imaging allows a doctor to not only enjoy the advantages of digital imaging tools, but to have those completely integrated into their practice management solution. The February 2003 CRA Newsletter indicates that 66% of DENTRIX users employ the software in the operatory. The closest competitor is at 39%. Our users are progresssive, and are embracing the technology that will improve their bottom line. They will embrace digital-imaging solutions with open arms! That is the DENTRIX difference!

For more information:
Phone: 1-800-336-8749

  DENTRIX Dental Systems