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White Dental Beauty Practice Pack

White Dental Beauty Practice Pack

White Dental Beauty – Practice Pack

According to the AACD, 99.7% of Americans believe a smile is an important social asset.* People are looking for ways to brighten their smiles, but let's face it — your patients have more over-the-counter whitening choices than ever before. Let us help you successfully — and effortlessly — boost your practice's whitening business.

Our complimentary Practice Pack contains 30+ marketing materials to help promote White Dental Beauty in your practice, social media, and website. Plus, we also included our ebook "8 Tips for Marketing Whitening in Your Practice" to give you new strategies for promoting whitening products to your patients.

  • Brochures
  • Logos & brand images
  • Posters
  • Product images
  • Social media images
  • Waiting room video
  • Web content
  • BONUS EBOOK! 8 Tips for Marketing Whitening in Your Practice
*AACD Whitening Survey, Summer 2012

Click the button below to download our complimentary Practice Pack and start gaining new whitening patients!


A preview of what's inside the Practice Pack:

White Dental Beauty – Posters


White Dental Beauty – Social Media Images

Social Media Images

White Dental Beauty – Product Images

Product Images

Waiting Room Video: