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July 4th Summer Sale Today Only! Use promo code JAG. ONLINE ONLY. Save 10% on a purchase of $1,000. Save 15% on a purchase of $1,500
July 4th Extended Sale Today Only! Use promo code JAG. ONLINE ONLY. Save 10% on a purchase of $1,000. Save 15% on a purchase of $1,500

You may be wondering what it means to be an ergonomic lab. Ergonomics is the science of designing a workplace environment to fit the user for efficiency, safety, and comfort. Factors such as what job is being done, demands on a dental technician, and the size, shape and location of equipment being used should be considered when assessing the fit between the dental technician and the workspace.

Here are some questions, considerations, and recommended guidelines for making your lab ergonomic so that you can reach maximum efficiency and comfort at your work station every day.

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