

3M Dental Polishing & Finishing Discs

3M Dental Polishing & Finishing Discs


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As a dental professional, you need reliable products that minimize chair time and maximize patient satisfaction. That’s why 3M dental finishing and polishing discs and materials are backed by decades of clinically-proven technology and a team of solutions experts – so you can feel confident in the health of your patients and your practice.

3M Dental Polishing & Finishing Discs

3M offers a full line of finishing and polishing solutions designed to your finishing and polishing procedure. The Sof-Lex™ Finishing and Polishing System is color-coded from dark (coarse) to light (superfine) for an easily followed step-by-step process. Easy pop-on mounting lets you quickly change discs or spirals – so you can move efficiently through your procedure.

Shop All 3M Polishing & Finishing Discs  Learn More
3M Sof-Lex Dental Finishing Family of Products

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