

Zirlux™ LC

Zirlux™ LC

Zirlux LC  

The Zirlux Layering Ceramic is the newest addition of the Zirlux Universal Zirconia System. This system not only consists of a new comprehensive Zirlux Layering Ceramic system which complements the Zirlux FC2 zirconia discs and blocks for layering traditional crowns and bridges over FC2 substructures or press to Zirconia with the newest line of translucent pressable pellets.

The versatile Zirlux FC2 pre shaded zirconia can be milled to full contour and brought to life with the Zirlux FC2 Characterization Pastes, or milled into copings/frameworks to be used with Zirlux LC for an even more natural result.

Getting started is easy using pre-shaded Zirlux FC2 discs or any Y-TZP zirconia framework with a CTE of (10-11) x (10-6)/°C. Simply layer the Zirlux LC starting with the Z stains to create the ideal core shade then layer the Zirlux LC Body & Incisal Powders using traditional layering techniques. Add in opaceous dentin powders to control opacity/translucency and enhance the shade of the restoration. Additional complementary modifiers are available to control translucency, opacity, hue, chroma and value in any layer.

Zirlux LC

Zirlux LC porcelain system promotes a natural match to mimic adjacent dentition through the following fabrication techniques:

  • Stain & Glaze Technique
  • Incisal cutback and layering technique
  • Zirlux LC Porcelain Powders: Layering Technique

Zirlux LC porcelain is a lower firing feldspathic/leucite glass ceramic with the following features:

  • Flexural Strength: Pellet 130MPa, Porcelain125 Mpa
  • Indicated for single crowns, bridges, inlays & onlays and veneers.
  • Fluorescence that resembles natural teeth.
  • Opalescent: creates vitality and provides translucence that blends well under a variety of light sources.

Zirlux LC System components include:

  • Zirconia Framework Stains (Z Stains): 7 Stains & 4 Modifiers for shading Zirconia substructure
  • Opaceous Body/Dentition Porcelains:16 Classic shades and 3 bleach shades
  • Body/Dentin Porcelains:16 Classic shades and 3 bleach shades
  • 8 Opal Incisals
  • Modifiers: 9 opal intensive tint incisals, 14 translucent blush modifiers
  • Repair Porcelains: 3 body and 3 incisal repair porcelains
  • Translucent Press Pellets: 16 classic shades, 3 bleach shades
  • 8 Press Incisals
  • Artisans low fusing stain
  • Zirlux LC build up liquid
  • Zirlux LC paste glaze and Universal glaze medium
Zirlux LC

For more information, contact your Zahn Prosthetic Specialist:
Phone: 1-800-496-9500