

Nemotec NemoStudio

Nemotec NemoStudio

Nemotec NemoStudio

Expand your own portfolios more easily through improving the manufacturing processes for surgical guides, orthodontic appliances, soft tissue cutting guides, and more.

NemoStudio is an integrated interdisciplinary software platform for planning treatment plans in the specialties of Implantology, Smile Design, Orthodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery that is patient-centric and compatible with all devices with its open platform system so that you can communicate more seamlessly with your dentists to deliver better service to their patients.

NemoStudio is comprised of four parts including:

NemoScan for implant planning, guided surgery and immediate loading prosthesis.

NemoSmile for digital smile design and mockups.

NemoCast and NemoCeph for orthodontics diagnosis and setup, aligners, and indirect bonding.

NemoFab for oral and maxillofacial surgery, splints, osteotomies, and bone reduction.

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