



Our Online Flyer Service (Nxtbook) might be intermittently unavailable due to a platform issue on their end. This does not impact Henry Schein’s systems or operations. Nxtbook is actively working on a resolution.
with everything just clicks


Our 30-day trial offer allows the ENTIRE staff full access to all the features of DRC.

  • OSHA modules (CDC/Infection Control Guidelines) that satisfy annual OSHA training requirements
  • Over 150 CE credits available
  • Comprehensive library of dentist and staff training
  • Current dental regulations
  • CE reports for entire office staff
  • All MSDS documents

With each log in, you will be alerted to the number of days left in the trial period as well as provided with the option to subscribe. Those who choose to subscribe will receive a discounted price of $499 or $399 for PRIVILEGES members ($100 discount).

Over 170 training courses to empower your team, including:

Making It Easy For Patients To Say Yes – Dr. Paul Homoly

The Dental Team Infrastructure – Niki Henson, RDA

Proper Procedure Codes: Evaluations – Tom Limoli, BS

Explaining Periodontal Treatments to Patients – Carol Tekavec, CDA, RDH

Principles of Overhead Control – Dr. Louis Malchmacher

Unlimited Access for You and Your Team...Only $499/Year* – About $1/Day!

Visit or ask your
Henry Schein Dental Sales Consultant for a Demo Today!
