Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

Planet vs. Plastics: A Must-Win Battle

In celebration of Earth Day 2024, we acknowledge's global theme, "Planet vs. Plastics." We recognize that the prevalent use of disposable materials across the health care industry significantly contributes to plastic pollution. As an industry, it falls upon us to collectively take strides towards reducing plastic consumption wherever feasible.

In the spirit of Earth Day, we reaffirm our commitment to mitigate our impact on the climate, reduce waste to landfills, and recycle and reuse valuable materials while practicing smart and efficient use of energy and water resources. We have put in place near-term targets to achieve our goals and to engage the five constituents that make up the Company's Mosaic of Success – Customers, Suppliers, Team Schein Members, Shareholders, and Society at large. We recognize that no one entity can do it alone, and through our collective responsibility, we can help to quicken the transition to an equitable, prosperous green economy for all.

Championing Sustainable Business Practices

To guide the Company's efforts and education related to environmental sustainability, we established an Environmental Impact Council, which is made up of a global cross-functional group of senior leaders with engagement from our Board of Directors and Executive Management Committee. This Council drives the Company's environmental sustainability strategy and provides recommendations on how to prioritize efforts.

Henry Schein Celebrates Earth Day 2024

What Makes This Box Special? Watch these videos to find out.

What Makes This Box Special? Hint: we're not sticking with it.

What Makes This Box Special? Hint: We're staying grounded this #EarthDay.

What Makes This Box Special? Hint: It's what's on the inside that counts.

What Makes This Box Special? Hint: Sharing is caring!