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Medical Equipment & Small Instrument Repair

Medical Equipment & Small Instrument Repair

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Henry Schein's ProRepair division provides medical equipment repair services with the highest levels of quality, convenience and overall satisfaction for healthcare customers. Services include all makes and models of medical small equipment, operative and surgical instruments and sterilizers.

ProRepair's Plainview, NY and Gaithersburg, MD facilities have also recently obtained ISO 9002 and EN 46002 quality certifications, confirming their outstanding commitment to quality services which include:

  • Small equipment repair
  • Instrument sharpening
  • Sterilizer repair service
  • Full restoration of medical equipment
  • Preventive maintenance options

We've built a great reputation for assisting medical practices with complete medical equipment repair services. We offer FREE medical equipment repair information and packing materials for hassle-free shipping. To provide healthcare professionals with complete medical equipment repair satisfaction, we have expanded our services to convenient locations between the east and west coasts.

For more information on medical equipment repair services, location of our service centers or to order packing materials, please call Henry Schein Medical Toll Free at 1-800-367-3674 or 1-516-719-2109 or e-mail us at

For more information on our medical supplies, sales, equipment, service or financing, please contact us
Toll Free at 1-800-772-4346.

Medical Equipment Repair Services, Medical equipment repair service center locations