

InControl - Infection Prevention Information

InControl - Infection Prevention Information

InControl Infection Prevention Resources - Henry Schein Medical

Infection Prevention Resources

Minimizing the transmission of infections is a high priority for the safety of healthcare professionals as well as patients. You can protect yourself by following the infection control guidelines in your workplace, practicing proper precautions, and ensuring you're compliant within these four key infection prevention areas.

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InControl Infection Prevention Information Instrument Reprocessing - Henry Schein Medical
Instrument Reprocessing

Proper instrument reprocessing is critical in preserving the safety and well-being of patients and staff. A comprehensive instrument reprocessing function plays a significant role in reducing healthcare associated infections.

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InControl Infection Prevention Information Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Henry Schein Medical
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE is used to minimize exposure to hazards that cause injuries and illness that may result from contact with biological, chemical, radiological, physical, or other hazards. Typical PPE in healthcare settings includes gloves, masks, gowns, protective eyewear, etc.

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InControl Infection Prevention Information Surface Disinfecting                - Henry Schein Medical
Surface Disinfecting

Routine housekeeping involves daily cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and objects within the office with a low-level disinfectant. Surfaces in the office, especially those in public areas, exam tables, countertops, floors, and toilets, need to be cleaned immediately after each patient and when they are visibly soiled.

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