

Solutions, Equipment, and Supplies for Convenient Care Centers

Solutions, Equipment, and Supplies for Convenient Care Centers

Urgent/Convenient Care

Convenient Care Products and Solutions from Henry Schein Medical

The convenient care continuum, which includes urgent care centers, freestanding emergency rooms, occupational health centers, and workplace health programs, offers walk-in medical services that are accessible and affordable.

Urgent Care Centers

By offering high-quality care and bridging the access-to-care gap between primary and emergency care settings, urgent care centers serve a vital role in serving communities. Urgent care facilities also help to improve the utilization of the nation's health system resources and are an important and growing part of today's network of care options. Henry Schein offers products, cost-savings, revenue-generation programs, and business solutions for urgent care facilities.

Learn more about how Henry Schein serves urgent care centers.

Freestanding Emergency Centers

To fill a critical gap in the continuum of care, freestanding emergency centers offer improved access to quality care and shortened wait times for patients experiencing medical emergencies. Henry Schein is committed to helping you treat emergency patients by providing you with the products, services, and solutions you need to deliver quality care and manage your practice. From best-in-class surgical equipment and supplies to innovative inventory management solutions, Henry Schein offers freestanding emergency centers the right mix of tools and supplies needed to succeed in today's challenging healthcare market.

Learn more about how Henry Schein serves freestanding emergency centers.

Occupational and Workplace Health

As insurers increasingly shift the burden of the cost of care on to employers and their employees, employers are taking ownership of their role in the healthcare industry. Those operating in the occupational health market face unique challenges: from providing access to healthcare in remote locations, to lowering the cost of care, to implementing wellness initiatives. Henry Schein's wide range of products and solutions—in addition to our consultative services to help you make the right decisions on how to implement the best programs for your needs—enables employers to benefit from ROI while enhancing their employees' well-being.

Learn more about how Henry Schein Medical can help you develop a workplace health program.