

Electronic Schedule II Ordering System e222

Electronic Schedule II Ordering System e222

Order your Class II narcotic drugs from Henry Schein using our CSOS-compliant, electronic schedule II ordering system (e222).

In an effort to reduce errors, increase security and efficiency, as well as expedite the transaction of ordering Schedule II controlled substances, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) developed the Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS), a progressive electronic version of the traditional paper form.

CSOS allows buyers and sellers of controlled substances to transact securely and electronically while eliminating manual paperwork (i.e. DEA Form 222).

In order to utilize the DEA’s CSOS program, each individual purchaser (DEA Registrant or Holder) must enroll with the DEA to acquire a CSOS digital certificate. Once the individual is enrolled with the DEA and the digital certificate is installed on the individual’s computer, Schedule II. Click here for CSOS Subscriber Manual

Key benefits for registering in e222 with Henry Schein

CSOS (e222)


  • Same day receipt of e222 form
  • Just in time inventory maintenance
  • Order and item availability on web
  • Easy online ordering
CSOS (e222)


  • Paperless & eco-friendly
  • Increased order accuracy
  • Stored digital certificate
  • Postage-free
CSOS (e222)


  • Compliant record management
  • Digital chain of custody
  • DEA license notification

Overview of the CSOS-compliant electronic schedule II ordering system (e222) registration process

CSOS (e222)

Need help?

For assistance registering into Electronic Ordering 222 with Henry Schein, please use this form.

Name (required)
Preferred Contact Method
Direct Phone Number

Electronic Ordering 222 Enrollment Information

  1. For questions about the DEA's CSOS enrollment, contact 877-332-3266 or visit for more information.
  2. For assistance enrolling into e222 with Henry Schein, submit our enrollment form.
    For additional support with enrollment call 800-532-0766 (Mon-Fri 8:00AM-4:30PM EST) or email
  3. Once enrolled in Henry Schein's e222 program, visit for steps to upload your CSOS signing certificate.
  4. To place your e222 order, visit

Please Note: According to the DEA CSOS Registration Authority, applicants can expect to receive their certificate activation notices on average about one month after mailing the application package to the DEA—incomplete applications will take longer to process.


Controlled Substance Ordering System or CSOS - A secure program developed by the DEA to permit controlled drugs to be ordered electronically. This system is supplier agnostic and has stringent enrollment requirements.

Digital Certificate - A Digital Certificate is an electronic secure “password” that allows organization or person to exchange encrypted data securely over the internet using public key infrastructure (PKI). Once a certificate is installed in your computer, you are “validated”.

e222 - Henry Schein’s legacy CSOS compliant electronic Schedule II ordering systems. Customers already enrolled in CSOS that have received a digital certificate from an alternate source must also register with the DEA in order to order controlled drugs from Henry Schein Medical. This certificate is supplier agnostic.