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The ASC-13 Normothermia Measure

The ASC-13 Normothermia Measure

The ASC-13 Normothermia Measure - Henry Schein Medical

The ASC-13 Normothermia Measure - A New CMS Regulation

What Is ASC-13?

The ASC-13 Quality Assessment Measure is a new policy designed to keep patients in a state of normothermia

Medical Definition or normothermia: Normal body temperature.


The Center for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS) now requires data to be submitted directly via the QualityNet website.

Why Does it Matter?

All surgical patients are clinically at risk for hypothermia because;

  • Unintentional perioperative hypothermia is almost always caused by a patient’s response to general anesthesia or neuraxial anesthesia.
  • A surgical patients body temperature can fluctuate therefore monitoring is preferred over episodic temperature taking.
  • Hypothermia in surgical patients can delay blood clotting, healing and increase infections.
  • Patients may be normothermic but state they feel cold and may even shiver; therefore, the clinician must verify whether the patient is actually normothermic.
  • Surgical suite temperatures are lowered to decrease infections but can also lower body temperatures.

Crucial Criteria for Device Selection:

  • Travels with patient from Pre-Op through PACU for uninterrupted results.
  • Features alarms that can alert staff of drastic temperature changes, improving response time.
  • Records temperature readings and generates an ASC-13 Compliant report.

The Solution: DataTherm® II

The DataTherm II Kit provides the following benefits while adhering to the requirements of ASC-13:

  • Multi-Site application including axillary, inguinal, rectal, or esophageal
  • Travels with patient from Pre-Op through PACU for uninterrupted results
  • Extended measurement range (17°C-45°C)
  • Temperature updated every 4 seconds
  • Stores up to 140 readings for easy recall
  • Programmable high and low audible and visual alarms

Complimentary product evaluations are available!

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