

Bovie Derm 101

Bovie Derm 101


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Ninety five percent of all procedures performed by a High Frequency Desiccator utilized ten watts of power or less. The Bovie® Derm101 is an economical, 10 watt High Frequency Desiccator, thoughtfully designed to allow Practitioners the ability to perform in-office minor skin procedures, and generate more practice revenue. Click here for typical procedures »

Features and Benefits:

10 watt High Frequency Desiccator Autoclavable, Power Control Handpiece
18 Dermal tips both sterile and non-sterile in kit Simple setup and operation
Economical Low wattage platform for majority of minor procedures
Warrantee - Ask your Sales Consultant about the extended warranty

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Technical Specifications:

Main Connection Safety
Main Voltage: 100 - 240 VAC ± 10% Basic Construction: In accordance with EN 60601-1
Main Frequency: 50 – 60 Hertz Mode of Operation: Intermittent operation
Main Current: 320mA Max. Protection Class: CLASS II EQUIPMENT**
Power Consumption: 28 VA Output Type: TYPE BF
  Duty Cycle: 10sec on / 30sec off
  Main Fuses: T 400mAL, 250V
Dimensions and Weight
Length: 8.2" (208mm) Weight: <3 lbs.
Width: 7.2" (184mm)  
Height: 2.7" (69mm)  
Warrantee: 2 Years  

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1) How do I determine which desiccator is the right one for my practice?

2) Are the procedures the Derm 101 is used for reimbursable?

3) What do I need to get started?

4) I have an old Birtcher Hyfrecator that I need to replace. The unit is currently hanging on a wall bracket. Am I going to need to use a new bracket and is it included?

5) Does the Derm 101 use the same disposable accessories as my Aaron 940 or and other devices?

6) That seems like an awfully low price. Is it going to be reliable?


1) How do I determine which desiccator is the right one for my practice?

Answer: Identify which procedures you are performing in the office. If you are simply doing skin tags, cherry angioma, telangiectasia, mole, nevi seborrheic keratosis and other similar low power skin procedures then the Derm 101 is the appropriate device for your practice.

If you carry out high power procedures (above 10 watts) or need extensive coagulation ability, then upgrading to the Aaron 940 or Aaron 950 will give you the added power necessary.

If bipolar coagulation is required; the Derm 102 or Aaron 940 will allow you to work in bipolar.

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2) Are the procedures the Derm 101 is used for reimbursable?

Answer: Yes, click here to review the CPT codes for the minor skin procedures, and the revenue potential associated with the Derm 101.

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3) What do I need to get started?

Answer: Simply purchase the Derm 101 unit. It comes with a set of accessories that allow you to perform enough procedures to pay for the unit more than twice. Click here for an in-service video »

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4) I have an old Birtcher Hyfrecator that I need to replace. The unit is currently hanging on a wall bracket. Am I going to need to use a new bracket and is it included?

Answer: If the old device is in the right location then the Derm 101 will fit on the same wall bracket. If the Derm 101 needs to be relocated, the unit comes with a new mounting bracket.

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5) Does the Derm 101 use the same disposable accessories as my Aaron 940 or and other devices?

Answer: The Derm 101 uses the same standard disposable electrodes and accessories as the larger high frequency desiccators. If you have a box of electrodes left, rest assured that they will work with your new Derm 101. Click here to order consummables »

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6) That seems like an awfully low price. Is it going to be reliable?

Answer: With the Derm 101 you are only paying for what you actually use, not what you don't. Bovie builds reliability in every unit. The Derm 101 not only comes with the Bovie standard two year warranty, ask your Henry Schein Sales Consultant how to get one additional year at no extra cost.

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Package Contents:

The Bovie® Derm 101 System (895-0125) comes packaged with the following:

  • Derm 101 Unit
  • #605-3715 (A902) 3-Button Power Control & Autoclavable Handpiece (1 Each)
  • #241-6402 (A804) Sharp Dermal Tips, Non-Sterile (5 Each)
  • #891-3055 (A805) Sharp Dermal Tips, Sterile (2 Each)
  • #590-9426 (A806) Blunt Dermal Tips, Non-Sterile (5 Each)
  • #590-1158 (A807) Blunt Dermal Tips, Sterile (2 Each)
  • #895-0126 (A806DE )Derm-Elite™ Premium Blunt Dermal Tip, Non-Sterile (2 Each)
  • #895-0127 (A807DE) Derm-Elite™ Premium Blunt Dermal Tip, Sterile (2 Each)
  • #118-4420 (A910ST) Disposable Handpiece & Cord Sheath, Sterile (2 Each)
  • #991-7179 (A910) Disposable Handpiece Sheath, Non Sterile (2 Each)
  • #926-3686 (A837) Wall Mount Kit (1 Each)
  • Medical Grade Power Cord (1 Each)
  • User Manual
Bovie Derm 101

The Bovie® Derm 102 System (895-0122) comes packaged with all of the above and had additional bipolar mode with the following:

  • Derm 102 Unit
  • #600-5943 (A803) Footswitch (1 Each)
  • #241-6402 (A804) Sharp Dermal Tips, Non-Sterile (5 Each)
Bovie Derm 102

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Billing Codes:

  Estimated CPT National Revenue based on 5 Procedures
Destruction of... Power* CODE** Fee Week Year
Skin Tag Removal 1-3 watts 11200 $88.12 $440.60 $22,911.20
Premalignant Lesions:   17000 $75.23 $376.15 $19,559.80
Actinic Keratosis 3-8 watts        
Basal Cell Carcinoma 2-10 watts        
Benign Lesions excluding Skin Tags & Cutaneous Vascular Proliferative lesions   17110 $109.26 $546.30 $28,407.60
Telangiectasia 0.1-3 watts        
Cherry or Spider Angioma 0.5-3 watts        
Seborrheic Keratosis 3-8 watts        
Mole or Nevi 2-6 watts        
Skin Cancer - Specific to Anatomic Location:          
Malignant Lesions - Arm/Leg/Trunk 2-10 watts 17260 $93.50 $467.50 $24,310.00
Malignant Lesions - Scalp/Neck/Hands/Feet 2-10 watts 17270 $149.38 $746.90 $38,838.80
Malignant Lesions - Face 2-10 watts 17280 $140.07 $700.35 $36,418.20

*Significant variations may occur due to surgical preferences, patient differences, electrode configuration and surgical technique. In general, it is good surgical practice to set the generator at a low power setting and cautiously increase the power until the desired effect is achieved. The abovementioned power settings are only recommendations the surgeon is responsible for identifying the appropriate final power settings.

**CPT Code Reimbursement may vary based on quantity or size of lesion. Always consult appropriate coding guidelines for correct treatment coding. National Fees based on 2014 Physicians' Fee Reference (PFR).

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