

Our Capabilities - Henry Schein Medical

Our Capabilities - Henry Schein Medical


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Our Capabilities

Our Capabilities

Henry Schein Medical offers a suite of capabilities to help practices thrive clinically, operationally, and financially. From our unique distribution model emphasizing pharmaceutical controls to equipment and lab portfolio offerings—Henry Schein is poised to support your strategic growth.

It's more than just partnership—it's a relationship. Our Fully Integrated Service Team (FIST) model includes a team of experts dedicated to helping our customers with multiple site locations stay connected. Your dedicated sales consultant will identify gaps, recommend areas for action, and offer tools and solutions that deliver both day-to-day efficiencies and long-term success, in areas including:

  • Contract compliance
  • Practice management and expansion
  • Training Rostering
  • Generic supplies and pharmaceuticals
  • Standardization
  • COVID-19 response Disaster recovery
  • Market and product knowledge
  • Identify services that improve revenue

Distribution Capabilities

An ideal distribution model is often described as "running like a well-oiled machine," but that description can neglect the people running that machine. Even during the pandemic, we've been able to maintain the highest standards of distribution and care for our Team Schein Members.

"Pick, pack, and ship" is the "what" of our role, but the "who" is just as important. Our distribution team members have decades of experience in supply chain, logistics, cold chain, and low unit of measure that position our team as experts in navigating distribution across the non-acute care continuum.

Request for Consultation

Interested in learning more about Henry Schein? Tell us a little about you and a qualified sales consultant will reach out with more information.

Our Medical Suppliers

Trusted Partnerships Bring Joint Value.

Henry Schein Medical forms strategic partnerships with suppliers to ensure that our customers receive the best-in-class products and services available. Our comprehensive product offerings consist of medical and surgical supplies, diagnostic tests, equipment, pharmaceuticals and injectables, office supplies, and more.

In addition, we work closely with suppliers to exceed our customers' expectations by looking toward future advances in technology and medical delivery trends. Furthermore, we expect our suppliers to conduct their operations in a manner that is consistent with the values and policies of Henry Schein—and the expectations our customers expect and deserve.

Medical Supply Chain Solutions for Every Practice

At the heart of every successful health care practice, you find strategic alignment between the people, processes, and technology operating the business. Whether you're an independent practitioner, a large group practice, or part of a health system or Integrated Delivery Network (IDN), Henry Schein Medical offers Supply Chain Technology solutions that can take your practice's efficiency and productivity to the next level.

Our innovative supply chain technology has been designed from the ground up to give our customers a competitive advantage in the areas of order management, enterprise administration, workflow efficiency and automation, process controls, and compliance, as well as inventory management. You can always Rely On Us to identify which Henry Schein solution(s) will keep your health care practice operating at its highest efficiency and effectiveness.

Inventory Management
  • Automated Min/Max Par & QOH Levels
  • Automated Inventory Adjustments
  • Inventory Reporting
  • Multi-Vendor Capabilities
  • Electronic, Secure Cabinet Based Supply Management
  • Order Approvals, Budgets, Suggested Orders
  • Electronic Item Formulary
  • Custom Catalogs
  • Barcode Scanning
  • Mobile Ordering Solutions
  • Technology Interfaces - ERP, Purchasing, MMIS Systems
  • Data Analytics
Receiving & Reconciliations
  • Workflow Notifications & Reminders
  • Electronic Receiving
  • 3-way Invoice Match
  • Reconciliation Status Indicators
  • 100% Paperless Process

Workflow Engagement:


Standardization is the key to running a lean health care practice. Working in partnership with Henry Schein Supply Chain Technology, our customers develop ways to eliminate variances in the people, processes, and technologies used to manage their supply chain management operations. Contact your Henry Schein Sales Rep for more information on how to standardize your supply chain operations.


Your process should always speak to your specific workflow needs. Working with Henry Schein Supply Chain Technology, customers can implement customized budgets, approval routing, packing slips, invoices, and inventory management solutions to address the specific needs of particular items, users, departments, ship-to locations, or business groups.


Automate your workflow and eliminate the need to perform manual tasks. Whether it is removing paper from a process, or automating compliance and controls, reports or notifications, Henry Schein Medical has a solution to help automate your supply chain operations.