

XLNTbrain Promotion

XLNTbrain Promotion

XLNTbrain Sport Concussion Management-Henry Schein

Go Beyond Baseline Concussion Testing with XLNTbrain® Sport

More than 300,000 children are treated every year in U.S. emergency departments for sports and recreation-related injuries that include a diagnosis of concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI).¹ The challenge for coaches, athletic trainers, and athletic directors is identifying and properly managing concussions when they occur.

Henry Schein can help you protect athletes from the dangerous consequences of undetected and untreated sports concussions with XLNTbrain® Sport, the first complete concussion management program for all sports and levels that acts as a “virtual neurologist” for your teams.

XLNTbrain Sport was developed by Harry Kerasidis, MD, who has treated thousands of concussion injuries and one of the world’s few elite neurologists specializing in the impairment of cognitive and emotional performance resulting from sports concussions. The XLNTbrain Sport incorporates a baseline assessment, acute management and recovery care plan that Dr. Kerasidis designed to include critical cognitive and emotional measures.

A Clear Path to Concussion Recovery

XLNTbrain Sport combines cutting-edge technology and evidence-based guidelines to deliver clinical-caliber concussion care.

  • Quick and easy registration allows you to print and hand your athletes passcodes so they can sign up at home or your computer lab—no need to gather hundreds of email addresses!
  • Coaches, athletes, and parents watch the instructional concussion video and complete a follow-up quiz that go beyond state-wide regulation compliance.
  • Information is clearly explained and potential signs of trouble are identified.

XLNTbrain Sport offers a clear guide to map an athlete's road to recovery.

XLNTbrain Sport Concussion Management-Henry Schein
  • Post-injury testing with baseline comparisons provide clinical-caliber post-concussion evaluations to monitor severity and the recovery progress.
  • Daily symptom checklists completed by recovering athletes allow you to monitor improvement of symptoms.
  • A five-step progressive exertion involves incremental exertion and movement to the next step halts if any concussion symptoms return.
  • Gameplay clearance is granted after a medical professional reviews the data and signs off to permit an athlete's return to gameplay.

An Academic Care Plan

Complete concussion management determines not only when an athlete can return to the playing field, but also when the athlete can return to the classroom. XLNTbrain Sport’s Academic Care Plan, based on symptoms and severity, guides the concussed student-athlete back to typical classroom activities. This goes beyond baseline testing with the first, and only, fully integrated plan of its kind available in concussion management available today.

A Full-Featured Mobile Application

Use your smartphone or tablet to launch the Sideline Assessment mobile app to perform sideline assessments, compare with baseline results, document the concussion’s severity, concussion, guide on-the-field decision-making regarding treatment and recovery time, and email results to parents, coaches, training staff, and medical professionals for further evaluation.

Features include:

  • Online concussion incident reporting and sideline recommendations on next steps.
  • A balance test that can show indications of a possible concussion.
  • Symptom checklists that athletes can review remotely.
  • An online program that fully integrates all reports with the website—no need to email reports to another system.
XLNTbrain Sport Concussion Management-Henry Schein

For more information about ordering our sports and athletics products, contact us at:

Click Here to Contact Your Dedicated Athletics Consultant

Phone: 1-800-323-5110, 8am–7pm ET
Fax: 1-800-483-8329