



Desiccation/Fulguration: Electro surgery including electrodessication, fulguration, electrocoagulation, and electrosection are all procedures used to excise lesions both benign and malignant and to control bleeding.

All of the above procedures break or damage the skin, disrupting both its integrity and ability to act as a barrier to infection. This increases the risk of infection post procedure. Electro surgery may also cause local burns which can be managed very effectively with SilvrSTAT®. With the increase in MRSA, HAI, and CAI infections, it is very important to choose a topical antimicrobial that is active and effective that does not promote bacterial resistance.

Treatment Best Practices:

  1. After the procedure, SilvrSTAT should be applied to prevent infection including MRSA and to promote healing. SilvrSTAT® will also keep the area moist which is also important for proper wound healing.
  2. A sterile dressing may be applied to help protect the area. SilvrSTAT® is applied as a clear hydrogel just once a day or once every 3 days compared to other silver products that are applied 2-3 times a day and is reimbursable by the ounce under HCPCS Code#A6248.
  3. Continue daily until treatment area is healed or at the direction of the healthcare prescriber.

Desiccation/Fulguration Treatment Formulary:

Procedure Prep Local Anesthetics Derm101 SilvrSTAT® - Dispense to patient under A6248
Dressings | Bandages Customizable Gel Packs Cold Therapy - Instant Pack Scar Management

SilvrSTAT® (Rx) Antibacterial Wound Dressing Gel is available in 1 oz. (685-0183) and 3 oz. (685-0184) best practice value

SilvrSTAT® is the only multivalent silver FDA-cleared to inhibit MRSA for the management of the skin burns and infections caused by desiccation and fulguration listed on the accompanying chart »

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*Caution: Federal law restricts the sale of this device by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner.

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