

Medical Device Insertions

Medical Device Insertions

PICC lines, IV Catheters, and Urethral Catheters are inserted through an incision in the skin or into the urethra.

Insertions of Medical Devices, which by means of their clinical applications, disrupt the integrity of the skin. It is critically important to choose a topical antimicrobial that is active and effective against hospital acquired infections (HAIs) such as MRSA that does not promote bacterial resistance.

Treatment Best Practices:

  1. After the insertion, SilvrSTAT should be applied to the insertion site, IV site, or the Foley catheter to prevent infection including MRSA and to promote healing. SilvrSTAT® is applied as a clear hydrogel to the device site once or twice a day and is reimbursable by the ounce under HCPCS Code #A6248.
  2. Continue daily for the Foley Catheter or up to every 3 days for the IV insertion site or at the direction of the healthcare prescriber.

IV/Foley Catheters Treatment Formulary:

Procedure Prep Surgical Lubricating Jelly IV Start | Dressing Change Tray Antimicrobial IV Dressing
SilvrSTAT® - Dispense to patient under A6248 Transparent | Island Dressing Transparent Tape Customizable Gel Packs
Cold Therapy - Instant Pack      

SilvrSTAT® (Rx) Antibacterial Wound Dressing Gel is available in 1 oz. (685-0183) and 3 oz. (685-0184) best practice value

SilvrSTAT® is the only multivalent silver FDA-cleared to inhibit MRSA for the management of the device insertion cites listed on the accompanying chart »

Return to SilvrSTAT | Order SilvrSTAT®

*Caution: Federal law restricts the sale of this device by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner.

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