

Diabetic, Pressure and Stasis Ulcers

Diabetic, Pressure and Stasis Ulcers

An ulcer is a breakdown in the skin that may extend to the subcutaneous tissue or even down to muscle and bone.

A Stasis Ulcer or venous ulcer is an ulcer (a crater) that is caused by poor circulation and venous return. These ulcers commonly involve the lower extremities and ankles. Venous ulcers are the most common etiology of lower extremity ulceration, affecting approximately 1 percent of the U.S. population.

Diabetic Ulcers are usually caused by decreased arterial blood flow and decreased sensation secondary to peripheral neuropathy. No matter what the cause, these ulcers are hard to treat because of poor circulation. The goal of treatment is to relieve pressure, increase perfusion, decrease pain, and promote healing. Healing is promoted by decreasing the risk of infection, decreasing inflammation and maintaining a wound environment conducive to healing.

A Pressure ulcer is a breakdown in the skin that may involve intact skin (Stage I), partial thickness loss of the dermis (Stage II) or full thickness tissue loss with fat visible (Stage III) or muscle and bone visible (Stage IV). There are also Suspected Deep Tissue Injury (SDTI's) and Unstageable Pressure Ulcers/Necrotic Wounds.

Treatment Best Practices:

  1. SilvrSTAT® should be applied to the ulcer to prevent infection including MRSA and to promote healing decrease pain and inflammation. SilvrSTAT will also keep the area moist which is also important for proper wound healing.
  2. A sterile dressing may be applied to help protect the area. Depending on the severity of the wound, SilvrSTAT® can be applied just once a day or once every 3 days compared to other silver products that are applied 2-3 times a day and is reimbursable as a clear hydrogel by the ounce under HCPCS Code #A6248.
  3. Continue using SilvrSTAT® until the ulcer is healed or at the direction of the healthcare prescriber

More specific instructions for SilvrSTAT use are in the Skin and Wound Care Quick Reference/Guideline »

Wound Treatment Formulary:

Wound Cleaning Products Skin Prep Cleansers SilvrSTAT® - Dispense to patient under A6248 Negative Wound Pressure
Zinc Preparation Silicone | Alginate Adhesive Foam Transparent | Island Dressing Dressings | Bandages
Scar Management Diabetic Soaps Diabetic Moisturizers  

SilvrSTAT® (Rx) Antibacterial Wound Dressing Gel is available in 1 oz. (685-0183) and 3 oz. (685-0184) best practice value

SilvrSTAT® is the only multivalent silver FDA-cleared to inhibit MRSA for the management of the chronic wounds listed on the accompanying chart »

Return to SilvrSTAT | Order SilvrSTAT®

*Caution: Federal law restricts the sale of this device by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner.

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