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FDA Medication Updates

FDA Medication Updates

FDA Medication Updates - Henry Schein Medical

FDA Medication Updates

As EMS personnel focus on safely managing emergencies, it's essential to maintain ample life-saving medication levels to ensure positive outcomes.

While many health care organizations can face medication shortages, it is vital to stay up to date on current, discontinued, and resolved medication information. Please visit the FDA Drug Shortages website to keep your medication supply fully stocked and take proactive measures.

More Information:

For more information on ordering our EMS products:
Contact a Henry Schein Medical EMS Representative at 1-800-845-3550 or

For updates on product storage requirements, pharmaceuticals, and more:
Contact the Henry Schein DxRx Hotline Monday–Friday, 8:30am to 5pm EST at 1-877-523-SHOT (7468), or