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Sports Injury & Illness Prevention

Sports Injury & Illness Prevention

Sports Injury and Illness Prevention

Tools to Prevent Athletic Injury and Illness

Injury and illness prevention can turn even your most valuable players into spectators. Physical demands and close contact between athletes put them at increased risk for injuries and infection, including:

  • Cardiovascular conditions such as cardiac enlargement, arrhythmia, syncope, and cardiac arrest
  • Cervical spine injuries
  • Concussion and other head injuries
  • Heat-related illnesses such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke
  • Musculoskeletal injury
  • Skin infection such as staphylococcus aureus (staph and MRSA), herpes, and tinea (ringworm, jock itch, and athlete's foot)

Some injuries and illnesses may seem unavoidable, but many are preventable. Here are some tools from Henry Schein that can help keep your players healthy.

Insoles That Eliminate Distractions

Insite® Insoles use an ergonomic design to maximize comfort and movement efficiency while reducing hip, knee, and ankle injuries. Designed with comfort and support in mind, Insite Insoles propel athletes forward—one foot at a time.

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Germs Out and Athletes In: Harness the Disinfecting Power of Clorox Products in Your Training Facility

Make sure your training room is game-ready with products designed to kill the germs that can cause infections. Clorox offers a full line of products that can kill MRSA (and other bacteria, viruses and fungi) on both hard and soft surfaces.

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Keep Your Athletes Hydrated and Prevent Heat-Related Injuries and Illness with Power Hydration Systems from Waterboy Sports

Body fluid is lost during sweating as body temperature rises. Although heat-related illnesses caused by dehydration can affect anyone, young athletes are particularly at risk. To reduce the risk of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke, ensuring your athletes are properly and consistently hydrated at practices and games is vital.

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Ensure Your Athletes Are Training Under Safe Conditions With The Kestrel Heat Stress Line

By the time your athletes feel the impact of a heat-related condition such as heat stroke, it could be too late. Easily access key environmental data to make informed decisions and prevent heat-related injuries and incidents with rugged, accurate heat index and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) monitors from Kestrel.

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Disinfect and Sanitize Your Training and Practice Areas with the Clorox® Total 360® System

The toughest foe you and your athletes should face are your opponents, not bacteria and viruses lurking in your sports facility.

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Cardea 20/20

Cardea 20/20 ECG is the only reliable, automated diagnostic system designed to identify cardiac conditions associated with sudden cardiac death in active youth and athletes.

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