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Capital Medical Equipment Specialists

Capital Medical Equipment Specialists

Supporting You Throughout the Entire Purchasing Journey

Whether it's to furnish a new facility or to replace dated technology, searching online for capital medical equipment can be overwhelming and complex. Even when you know exactly what you're shopping for, questions regarding lead times, financing, and installation may require further clarification. Let our team of Capital Equipment Specialists help guide you in choosing the right products for your specific project.

Unique to the industry, our senior level consultants have extensive capital equipment backgrounds comprised of careers in medical manufacturing, sales, service, and procurement. They specialize in many key categories including imaging, cardiology, surgical equipment, lighting, and exam room equipment; frequently attending continuing education courses to remain current with technological advancements and industry trends.

When you choose Henry Schein Medical to supply your next capital equipment purchase, you can be assured our collective team will remain actively engaged throughout your journey, offering expert advice and guidance where and when you need it most.

Top 8 Considerations Before Making Your Capital Equipment Purchase

  1. How will you finance your purchase? Early engagement with a financial expert can save time and money. Your new medical equipment assets may even lower your taxable income.
  2. Which products best suit your clinical needs? Working with a Capital Equipment Specialist can help you to narrow your focus and pinpoint the products best suited for your specific practice.
  3. Will your new equipment pieces integrate with your existing pieces? From both an aesthetic perspective as well as a technological perspective, an early evaluation of equipment compatibility can be critical.
  4. Is your current layout conducive to providing space for additional equipment? Bigger isn't always better. Aim for efficiency and clean sight lines for maximum patient satisfaction.
  5. What is the installation process? Are the electrical and plumbing (if applicable) specs achievable? Local, state, and federal regulations may require additional research.
  6. Will you need to store your purchase prior to delivery? If so, there could be additional costs. Make sure to budget for this possibility.
  7. Will the delivery process be disruptive? White Glove delivery services are designed to help minimize disruption to your practice. Early planning is the key to success.
  8. How much training will your staff require pre/post installation? Proper training can extend the life of your equipment and ensure patient diagnostics remain accurate.