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Athlete Safety

Athlete Safety

Managing Athlete Safety - Henry Schein Medical

Keep Athletes Safe When There Are Known Cases of Infection

When you discover someone you've treated or who visited your facility has been showing symptoms of (or tested positive for) COVID-19, there are a few steps that need to be taken. Not only should the infected person quarantine for two weeks, they need to test negative for COVID-19 before returning to practice.

In addition, the CDC offers recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting your facility if someone is sick, including closing off areas used by the person who was sick—you don't necessarily need to shut down all operations.

We've asked some ATs about how they manage their facilities when there's an unexpected outbreak of illness. Watch the video below.

Henry Schein Medical Athletics & Schools, as part of our Return to Safe Play initiative, has the tools and supplies that can help you reduce the risk of infection at your facility when there's been a known case of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Testing: Know Your Options and Be Prepared

Learn More

COVID-19 Testing - Henry Schein Medical

What you need to know about Screening for COVID-19 Symptoms

Learn More

COVID-19 Screening - Henry Schein Medical

Return to Safe Play after COVID-19
Training Room Modifications after COVID-19
Staffing Modifications after COVID-19
PPE Needs after COVID-19
Prescreening Procedures after COVID-19
Telemedicine Options with COVID-19

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